Tag Archives: Anna Mae’s

Chili for a cold day

20 Dec

Anna Mae's Southern Street Food

For me, when it’s cold outside there’s nothing better than a bowl of hot warming chili to make me feel better. So a few weeks ago when I was at the Chocolate Festival and it was absolutely freezing I was so happy to see Anna Mae’s had set up a chili shack and were serving up their Bowl O’ Red.

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Thames Festival Feast

11 Sep


This year the Thames Festival went all out on the food; from the London Eye all the way down to Tower Bridge, the river was lined with so many food stalls, carts and trucks, the choice was incredible.  The best of the food was (for the most part) nestled in front of the Tate Modern where the Eat.St collective was representing the best of London’s street food.  And it was here that I started my day of street food indulgence.  I was so tempted to just head straight to a few of the tried and tested vendors (Big Apple Hot Dogs was calling to me), but I decided to stick with places that I hadn’t tried before. Continue reading