Tag Archives: Burgers

Finally Getting Round to Meat Liquor

12 Feb

Meat Liquor

When it comes to London’s two most famous burger vans (Meat Wagon and Lucky Chip) I have a pretty poor run of luck. Every time I’ve tried to go visit them something has got in the way and i’ve ending up cancelling. When Meat Wagon was in it’s Meat Easy stage I managed to queue for about an hour and make it inside before the rest of my group turned up late, didn’t fancy the now two hour queue so we ended up eating Thai down the road. Then there was the time that I arrived at Netil Market to finally try a Lucky Chip burger only to be told they’d run out of beef!
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London’s Newest Street Food Burger

8 Jan

First there was Meatwagon, then there was Lucky Chip, could Mother Flipper be next?

Mother Flipper

Mother Flipper first started slinging their burgers back in December, so have only been around for a few weeks, but in that short time i’d seen enough pictures and positive tweets to make me curious enough to head down to Lewisham this last Saturday. You can find Mother Flipper in a Lewisham car park as part of the excellent Brockley Market (which has a fantastic selection of street food) 10am-2pm on Saturdays.

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